Friday, September 12, 2008

Walgreens trip $10 off $40 coupon

First transaction:
Excedrin tension headache 3.99 (MIR)
(2)Advil liquid gels $6.99/13.98 (RR)
Advil capsules $6.99 (RR)
Crest pro health mouthwash $4.49 (RR)
(2)Colgate toothpaste $2.99/5.98
Pert Plus $4.99 (MIR)
(2)Seventh Generation cleaners 3.36/6.72
Glade fabric spray $2.99
(2)Oust Spray 2.99/5.98
insoles for shoes $7.99
TOTAL= $64.10
-$1 glade walgreens coupon
-$2 oust walgreens coupon
-$2.99 bygo crest walgreens coupon
-$2.00 pert plus mfc
-$.75 crest mfc
-$1.00 crest mfc
-$2.99 bygo oust coupon mfc
-$1.50 glade spray coupon mfc
-$3.00 (3)advil coupons mfc
-$2.00 (2) seventh generation mfc
-$1.00 walgreens RR
-$10.00 walgreens coupon
total coupons =30.23
total $33.87
received $14.50 RR
mail in rebate $3.99 (excedrine)
$4.29 (pert plus)

Second transaction:
(3) dozen eggs $.99 (ON SALE!!!)/2.97
energizer batteries $4.99
Total $7.96
-$2.00 walgreens coupon energizer batteries
-$.75 energizer MFC
Total $5.07 paid with $4.50 RR
total out of pocket = $.57
Total out of pocket for my day... $11.66 .... you all may think I am a little nuts for doing this...but it has really begun to pay off for our family.
Happy day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.