Monday, September 22, 2008

"Not me!" Monday hosted by MckMama

So today we are going to play along with another blog that I enjoy as she is hosting "Not me!" Monday. If you would like to read her original post...makes me laugh all day long...

I certainly did not:

  • pick my daughter up by her ankles and hold her upside down to get the sand out of the cuffs of her pants.
  • completely enjoy myself with NO guilt while my parents had our children so we could go on a "date"
  • get tipsy hammered on my "date" with my husband...
  • whine as I tried to walk barefoot back to the hotel carrying four cupcakes for the littles
  • take a nap on the love seat while my littles napped.
  • allow my sister to pick the boogers out of my son's nose instead of volunteering to do it myself.
  • come home and check my email and the blogs I follow making my son wait to read his book to me
  • feel a little bit "poor me" and jealous when hearing about two wonderful ladies who are due when we were supposed to be due.
  • ignore shaving my legs for nearly two weeks. only to do it because I had a "date" and wore a dress.
  • lust over my husband as I watched him dance...even danced with him... hey! he can really dance...

Nope, wasn't me!!

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