Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fetal brain drain!

That's it, you read it right, that is where I have been. No brain to finish a complete sentence! God has decided to bless us with baby #5. We are 13.1 weeks (I beg to differ but that is what the measurements say so that is what the dr.'s are going with) that makes us due at the end of January 2010. We have been on a wild ride this past year not to mention this pregnancy. One of these days I will post more but today I just decided to post a couple of photos that were taken this morning. Enjoy! Happy day!
nice profile!

you can see the leg outstretched. One hand is on the chest (white) the left arm is straight up, hand looks like a feather coming out of the head.


SugarandSpice said...

Congrats on the baby! Wow are going to have your hands full!

Carissa Blanchard said...

Ahhh...I was hoping that was what was keeping you busy! It's hard work having a baby being knitted inside you! I'm so happy for you! I've been wanting God to bless me with another baby too...not yet...that's okay though especially when I can enjoy other peoples pregnancy's through blogs! Been a lot of babies born lately!

Take care! God's blessing on you and that precious baby!

Chris@Joyful Mother said...

Congrats!! Found you blog from Mrs. Taffy.

Chris in FL

Christy O said...

Congratulations! What a gift from God! Your arms will be wonderfully full (though there always is room for more). I am so glad you are doing well!

Sarah said...

Delighted to meet you and celebrate with you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit. Don't worry, I'll clean up any messes:)

Blessings from this missionary mommy,
Sarah Dawn