Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
just a litte quiz that is floating around
Who was your favorite celebrity as a child? Christian Laettner
What type of pets do you have? we do not have any pets at this time
What is your favorite color? Blue, any shade.
What is most memorable about your high school years? moving
What word describes you best? currently... Crabby
What is your greatest accomplishment? H, W, D, L and soon to be...
What drives you every day? God
What is your favorite food? pizza
Where do you want to retire? the UP
What is your business goal this year? to mind my own... LOL
Where do you like to vacation? any where with my husband
Who do you admire? my husband and my mom
What is your mission? Love God. Love others.
If you were invisible, where would you go? to bed
What traits in others are you attracted to? hard working
What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you? oh my, there are so many things. I can't don't know just one.
How do you want to be remembered? as a redeemed child of God
What would you do with a million dollars? be debt free
If you were on an island, who would you want to be with? my husband
You have a 10 minute speech to give at a high school, what is it about? God and family.
Kind of a different one, I know but I saw it on a few blogs I read and thought I would toss my answers in too.
What type of pets do you have? we do not have any pets at this time
What is your favorite color? Blue, any shade.
What is most memorable about your high school years? moving
What word describes you best? currently... Crabby
What is your greatest accomplishment? H, W, D, L and soon to be...
What drives you every day? God
What is your favorite food? pizza
Where do you want to retire? the UP
What is your business goal this year? to mind my own... LOL
Where do you like to vacation? any where with my husband
Who do you admire? my husband and my mom
What is your mission? Love God. Love others.
If you were invisible, where would you go? to bed
What traits in others are you attracted to? hard working
What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you? oh my, there are so many things. I can't don't know just one.
How do you want to be remembered? as a redeemed child of God
What would you do with a million dollars? be debt free
If you were on an island, who would you want to be with? my husband
You have a 10 minute speech to give at a high school, what is it about? God and family.
Kind of a different one, I know but I saw it on a few blogs I read and thought I would toss my answers in too.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
while I am here,
I have a favor to ask. I want to change my play list (you know, the music that plays when you are at my blog site!!). I love what I have but need a change. I would love suggestions. What is your favorite Christian music song (or artist)? I am excited!!! Don't be shy, leave me a comment, PLEASE!
Sick of being sick...
Hello, from my L_O_N_G absence. It has been a long month. With school, church, Cross Training, Lutheran Pioneers, ST, karate, the basement, this pregnancy (which might I add we are in our 27th week, six days until the third trimester, 90 days to go!! Doing great, 12lb weight gain total, FAILED my glucose test miserably but have been managing my numbers with food, tons of movement! The only thing that stinks is because of the gd I now have to see my OB every two weeks.), Jeremy's job and yard work, we are staying busy. (oh yeah, in there some where we loaded my parents moving truck, moved a piano from their house to ours...) Then we tossed the wrench into to spinning wheels and our lives came to a screeeeeeeeching hault. SICK KIDS! (and me too but I was pretty minor compared). W missed four days of school and at his highest had a temp of 105. Diagnosed with an ear infection and strep throat. He still sounds funny (lost his voice at the very end of it all) but he is back to happy. H missed two days of school, his highest fever was also 105. Completely viral and we rode it out! D is still recovering. So far has missed three days of school. His temp also reached 105. Ear infection. What is getting him is the cough. He is playing nice today and resting in between, I am confident he will be back in school tomorrow. L is a wreck. At her highest her fever was 105. She has a double ear infection. She just got wiped out from it. She now has a slight head cold but otherwise only looks bad. The nice thing is all temps have broke and they are on the upswing. My temp never got over 100 (yes, that is just fine) and I had the headache that is going with all of this. I now have the cough, it is soooooo horrible, it is all flem related but I feel bad that I keep Jeremy up all night. Even if I go to a different part of the house, we are all coughing so it does not matter. I joked on my facebook the other day that there is a large blinky arrow sign outside my house advertising the coughing contest we have here. By the grace of God Jeremy is still healthy and working too! Through it all, we are blessed.
This week, W turns seven. That means we have lived in this house for seven years. Who would have thought when we moved in that we would have out grown it too! Never fear, Jeremy is here!! He is making (with the help of many other people, including our parents) more space in the basement. Much progress has been made. I can not wait to post photos!
I also, before the wrench, took some photos of our fall colors in our yard. I will try to get them posted this week.
Thanks for sticking with me. I will make an effort to not be gone this long again. What can I say, life happens.
Happy day.
This week, W turns seven. That means we have lived in this house for seven years. Who would have thought when we moved in that we would have out grown it too! Never fear, Jeremy is here!! He is making (with the help of many other people, including our parents) more space in the basement. Much progress has been made. I can not wait to post photos!
I also, before the wrench, took some photos of our fall colors in our yard. I will try to get them posted this week.
Thanks for sticking with me. I will make an effort to not be gone this long again. What can I say, life happens.
Happy day.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pretty little lady staying "clean and dry". I walked into the bathroom to check on her this week and found her with her sunglasses on. It is really nice not having to deal with diapers. Happy day!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Birthday boy!
Happy birthday to my sweet D! Four years old today!

Such a sweet little heart who can cry over anything. We love you big guy! All he wanted was some "baboons"(balloons *we don't have the in the house due to latex allergies) and a party. For his birthday. This morning he got up to a bouquet of Mylar balloons. He was so excited but angry at the same time. "Mom, I only wanted one!" But when I told him there was enough to share with his brothers and sister he was happy again. Cake, ice cream and Auntie Mary after supper tonight!
Happy Birthday D!

Happy Birthday D!
Monday, August 3, 2009
New ticker!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Truly a blessing!
This past week our son H (8.5yrs) has decided to take over the laundry duties. He does everything except fold and put away. He gets it all the way to the living room floor and then I take care of it. He is really good at it (even cleans the lint trap after every load). The coolest part (other than, it is not me doing it) is that he enjoys it. He is eager to get it done. If he is gone from the house for a few hours he will go down and check to see if there is a pile to wash. I think it makes it easier that we do not sort our laundry, we just wash it. But even if we did, I am confident that he could do it! Truly a blessing.
On another note, Stellan (and his family) could really use your prayers right now. As could my friend Christy and her son A who is in a medical emergency himself. May God move the people in charge to speed up their tempo and get him out as soon as they can.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Fetal brain drain!
That's it, you read it right, that is where I have been. No brain to finish a complete sentence! God has decided to bless us with baby #5. We are 13.1 weeks (I beg to differ but that is what the measurements say so that is what the dr.'s are going with) that makes us due at the end of January 2010. We have been on a wild ride this past year not to mention this pregnancy. One of these days I will post more but today I just decided to post a couple of photos that were taken this morning. Enjoy! Happy day!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wordless Wednesday Bad day...

Well, it was supposed to be wordless but then I ended up with this photo to post... so we will call it "Bad day" instead. We were headed down the highway to go to the free night at the zoo when we heard an explosion (we all instinctively covered our heads). Our window had shattered. H was sitting by it but was not injured. We are all okay and it is all cleaned up. I will be fixed this week yet. I know I have been scarce lately. There is an explanation... coming tomorrow though because I am tired and I don't have the right picture for the post!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
We have a winner!
With the help of number 12 was chosen. That means that DEB is the winner with the comment "Hello Anna - it was great seeing you last night. Have a great day." I will get that ordered for you right away!
I want to thank you all who commented. I wish I was money rich so I could share a bar with each and everyone of you.
Happy day.
I want to thank you all who commented. I wish I was money rich so I could share a bar with each and everyone of you.
Happy day.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
WELCOME! To my very first giveaway! I am giving away one of my favorite things:
- What is a lotion bar? The MadeOn lotion bar is a hard bar of lotion (like a regular or guest bar size of soap). Rather than pumping out lotion or squeezing lotion from a tube, this lotion rubs onto your skin, with your skin's temperature warming the lotion to absorb into your skin.
- Why lotion in a bar? The health properties of coconut oil and shea butter combine with the smooth and sealing properties of beeswax, which, when combined, are solid at room temperature. It doesn't take much body heat to soften the bar and these simple, pure ingredients work incredibly well together.
- Is it good for dry skin? The MadeOn lotion bar was MADE for dry skin. As someone who has fought the Band-Aid battle (reapplying Band-Aids after every hand-washing), attempted the gloves-on-at-bedtime routine, and gooped on the Bag Balm, I was ready to resign from any kitchen duties (hard to do as a mom!) I haven't had to use Band-Aids for dry skin cuts at all anymore.
- How did you come up with the combination? I tried a few recipes I found online when my 10 year old son had eczema. This combination fixed it within a few days. I was amazed that it worked for both of our skin problems.
- And the name? MadeOn? A sea salt company in Southern France has their employees sign and date the lid of the salt container once it is packaged. We decided to copy this idea to show that this is a fresh, high-quality product. I sign and date each lotion bar package after I make it. This does not imply a short shelf life, by the way. The lotion bar ingredients have a shelf life of 1-2 years, but chances are, you'll love it and use it up long before then.
- How else is MadeOn different from other lotion bars? Most lotion bar crafters attract the female gift-giving crowd - those who would buy it for its novelty, give it as a gift, and enjoy the fragrance of various scents. I take it a step further by providing a product with a purpose, which is to relieve dry skin. In addition to women, many men have serious skin issues and appreciate MadeOn's gender-neutral packaging. And for those who want first-class, the leather pouch adds that touch while providing a convenient place to wipe off any excess lotion. I wouldn't add scents unless they provide a specific health purpose.
- Who is the name behind MadeOn? My name is Renee Harris. I live with my husband and 7 children (ages 1 - 11) in beautiful Northern California.
- What's MadeOn currently doing? My two older sons help me sell lotion bars at the local farmer's market by giving out samples (contact me to find out where we'll be next). This week I'm making a lotion bar that works to repel mosquitoes... same 3 ingredients with citronella essential oil added as the repellent. My boys are sleeping out on the deck in the warm spring nights to test it out for me. I also have emu oil to try out in a lotion bar that will relieve sunburns. For the fitness crowd, I'm adding some cocoa butter to the original three, and for the bread bakers out there, it'll be avocado butter. I'm creating bars that match my current lifestyle and interests.
- And your website? . That's where you can go to hear a podcast about MadeOn lotion, read testimonies, and, of course, place an order. You can also contact me through the webpage. Also, I need help "naming" the bars I listed in the previous paragraph. If you have an idea for a name, submit it and if I use it, I'll mail you a free bar of that type. Use the contact link on .
Thank you!
Renee Harris
Now, how to win. It is easy and you don't even need an account. Click bellow and leave a comment, any comment will do BUT remember keep it clean and nice, my mom reads my blog yah know. (if you don't have an account, type your comment and who you are... if I don't know you, a way to contact you if you win, and check the anonymous button). ONE entry per person, per day, Please. I will close this Monday May 25 and draw a winner Tuesday morning. I can not wait to give someone else a chance to check this product out!
Happy day!
Ten years ago this past week I turned 21 and my gift was Jeremy (we had met once two months earlier). His best friend took this photo and later... as in years later gave it to us. Real nice. 

Eight years ago today, we were united in Marriage. God has truly blessed me with an amazing husband. His faith is flourishing, he is working hard even when laid off, he tends to the needs of his family. Sure, every marriage has its bumps in the road but with God's help we get through them together. Once again, as I said in January, instead of resolutions we focus on the blessings. My blessing, my husband. Happy anniversary J! I love you!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How I spent my birthday!
The same way I spent my birth day thirty-one years ago... with my mom of course! J had to work but left me with a kiss on the forehead and a happy birthday. H remembered (all on his own that it was my birthday and told the rest of the kids to tell me). We did some shopping so that we can make bread and made banana muffins (all the kids helped and even my non-banana eaters thought they were great). J got me a willow tree figurine (totally awesome because I have a whole bunch of them and he found one I didn't have). On mother's day we had my birthday cake (with my parents and sister) strawberries, fresh whipping cream and angel food cake, of course.

H sat on my mom for quite a while talking about the day I was born and a where we lived at the time. It was so cute I tried to get a photo, but he decided he did not want a nice one so I just snapped. It just floors me that eight years ago this very month he was just pudgy little five month old. Now, he is a gangly ball of attitude (with dirty feet!). I really had a nice birthday, thanks mom. (it was the 12th, tomorrow the 14th marks the day I was baptized thirty-one years ago). Oh, what a week! I pray you all had a wonderful Mother's day (I did not post because I spent the day with my family).

Next week in honor of our wedding aniversary (yes, all four in the same week!) I will be having my first giveaway ever!!! Just giving you something to look forward to.
Happy day.
Happy day.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Just had to share!
The other night I got off the couch (probably had fallen asleep but I can't remember) and walked into the kitchen to go down the hall and got the bageebers scared out of me by.....
She must have come on out and did not want us to see her so she was waiting for one of us to hear her (did I mention Jeremy was probably sleeping too) and she fell asleep on the floor!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Well, I got a hair cut. It is finally a style (after a looooong time of frumpy) and I decided I would let Jeremy take a picture and I would post it. It is actually cut to be wavy but Robyn my awesome friend and hairstylist blew it out for me to go to a party! This picture was taken after that party, after I got out of the windy back yard... please excuse the clutter and the chub. I will have Jeremy take another photo one of these days when I style it wavy. (for those of you that know me... know how much I love photos being taken of myself... this is rare, DON'T GET USED TO IT!)
By the way, for the first time in ten years Jeremy "loves my hair cut" and a whole bunch of other people too! THANKS!!
Amen sister!
I heard a really good story the other day about a family that found themselves in a really bad financial situation. At church, the pastor (!) jokingly (really?) said something about not having any more children until they had things straightened out. Little did he know that she was already pregnant. She reminded him that while the Israelites were in Egypt under HEAVY oppression, God BLESSED them and they grew in number! It really makes you think... Who is God giving us? What huge plans does God have in store for them? It's not about us and our current's are ALWAYS a blessing.
I wish more people would realize that.
I wish more people would realize that.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
what really burns me...
Anyone who has children (especially more than one...) has probably had a "friend" or even a perfect stranger come to them and ask them why they have so many children. And/or ask tell them they should not have any more. People have no idea how bad that burns. It really is NO ONE ELSE'S BUSINESS. I just wish that people would think before they speak. Oh yeah really, I should not have this many children?!? They are all here, which one would you choose we get rid of. Really people, give me a break. Some of us see children as a blessing from God, and nothing less. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
I want to direct you to my good friends blog. She has an awesome "children" post. (Mom, click on the word children it will get you there!)
I want to direct you to my good friends blog. She has an awesome "children" post. (Mom, click on the word children it will get you there!)
My husband, my child?
Last week at church this subject came up again. A friend of mine came over to our family and counted my children and then counted Jeremy. I corrected her by saying "no, we only have four". She was shocked and told me that I am the only one who has not counted their husband as an extra child. I responded by saying "he can scrub floors and helps out a lot, I gotta give credit where it is due". But it goes beyond that. This is not the first time that people have said that, and I know people that count their husbands in that count. Not to say that I have never felt that way, years ago if you would have asked me I probably would have completely agreed. But as a couple and as two human beings we have grown in our maturity and in our faith and today, in our marriage and faith, that just isn't the case. Beyond the obvious perks to having him as my husband and partner, he is my comforter, an awesome daddy, role model, my prayer partner, church usher, my lawn mower, my muscles, my chore sharer, our HARD WORKER (ie an amazing bricklayer, patio putter-in-er, stone mason, landscaper), and I could go on and on. Sure, as sinful human beings there are days and times that we both act childish but never once has he called me a child and I don't plan to do it to him. (It also does not mean that we don't make our kids do chores, but you all know there is a difference.)
Next week marks our first date TEN years ago (he was my 21st birthday present) and the following week marks our EIGHT year wedding anniversary. I am proud to say that I am his, he is mine and we are His.
Now I know that these people mean no harm when they say this. But it gets me thinking that if we all just had another notch of respect for our husbands there would be fewer issues and a lot less splits in our society. Am I off the deep end or does that make sense?
There was a post I was directed to a couple of months ago and I saved it in my favorites so that I can reference it when I feel I need to. It is titled 12 Things You Should Not Do to Your Husband by:Camilia Brown. Here is number one of the twelve.
So, now to my back. I am feeling much better. Cleared to do what I can but not over do it. I am still waiting to be allowed to ride my bike and get back to the gym. I have gone from three times a day at the chiro, to two, and now to three times a week! Pretty awesome if I do say so myself. I am working on my review of the laundry products (hey, I wanna get it just right), and also an awesome giveaway (yeah! It will be my first ever).
Happy day.
Next week marks our first date TEN years ago (he was my 21st birthday present) and the following week marks our EIGHT year wedding anniversary. I am proud to say that I am his, he is mine and we are His.
Now I know that these people mean no harm when they say this. But it gets me thinking that if we all just had another notch of respect for our husbands there would be fewer issues and a lot less splits in our society. Am I off the deep end or does that make sense?
There was a post I was directed to a couple of months ago and I saved it in my favorites so that I can reference it when I feel I need to. It is titled 12 Things You Should Not Do to Your Husband by:Camilia Brown. Here is number one of the twelve.
DO NOT treat your husband as one of your children. You are not running the household he is. So no matter how busy you think you are or how many tasks you might have to perform at once you should not address your husband in this way: “Honey come here! Do this! Hold that! Grab this! Deal with this or that!” Now I am all for asking our husbands for help when he is available to give it, but bossing him around is not becoming to a wife. We must conduct ourselves as his help meet and not treat him as if the reverse were true.
If you would like to read all twelve -
So, now to my back. I am feeling much better. Cleared to do what I can but not over do it. I am still waiting to be allowed to ride my bike and get back to the gym. I have gone from three times a day at the chiro, to two, and now to three times a week! Pretty awesome if I do say so myself. I am working on my review of the laundry products (hey, I wanna get it just right), and also an awesome giveaway (yeah! It will be my first ever).
Happy day.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
breathing...the right way...
inhale*2*3*4, hold*2*3*4, exhale*2*3*4, hold*2*3*4 and repeat (over and over and over again)
Never would have dreamed that I did not breath "properly". Doc said that eventually I will get to inhale*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10, exhale*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10. It is hard enough to do the four count, but I am conscious of it and that really helps!
Enjoying the sunshine. Praising God that Stellan and his mom are headed home!
Never would have dreamed that I did not breath "properly". Doc said that eventually I will get to inhale*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10, exhale*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10. It is hard enough to do the four count, but I am conscious of it and that really helps!
Enjoying the sunshine. Praising God that Stellan and his mom are headed home!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Learning to breath.
I have always been an athlete with a nice body and awesome endurance. That is until I had my children. An unspecified amount of weight was added to my frame and the endurance turned into fatigue most of the time. Not that I did not want my body back, I just lacked the motivation to get it done. I had not been to the gym in who knows how long... and of course in the winter I did not do much moving at all. So, this spring, I gave up soda because I wanted to get in better shape. To start riding my bike, to get my weight lifting in, to get my running in. With ultimate goals in mind I did not need the sugar (in soda, and many other sweets too) to make my workouts null and void. Then, one week later, I could hardly move, I was vomiting and had what looked like two grapes under my skin on my lower back. Diagnosed with two bulging disks, I started at the chiropractor three times a day, down to two and now at once a day. In laying on that table I found relief from my symptoms and have learned so much about my body and myself. Hampering in my healing is a (now)tiny little scar on my "L3" back. The first day I went to the chiro, he asked if I had fallen. I had a scar about the size of a dime on my "L3" that was so white is seemed to glow. Nope, it turned out that that was my epidural scars. You see, what they don't tell you when you have that lovely epidural is that it may come back to haunt you. (more on that after I do some more research). He was not saying that the site is what caused my issues but it surely was not helping. All the scar tissue from four epidurals was not going to aid in healing. This past year, I have learned a ton about my health and my life but I think the biggest thing I have learned in the past month is how to breath. Sounds totally dumb doesn't it. But that is the case. Apparently I was "never taught to breath correctly". So, that is what I have been working on. Sitting on a funky balancing pillow (to build my core strength), sleeping with a pillow between my knees, doing my chores with both hands not just my right, and BREATHING correctly. Who would have thought.
I am still soda free, it has been a month now! I have lost nine pounds just from dropping all that sugar. (I can't wait to see what happens when I add some cardio to that!). I feel so great, BUT am still on a weight restriction. I can not pick my daughter up and am still supposed to "take it easy".
I plan to get this blog back up and running. I have a review I am working on getting published and so much more. I have learned so much that I can't wait to share. I know it will help all of you too... can you say sea salt? how about hormones?
Bet ya can't wait!!! Well, you are going to have to.
Happy day.
I am still soda free, it has been a month now! I have lost nine pounds just from dropping all that sugar. (I can't wait to see what happens when I add some cardio to that!). I feel so great, BUT am still on a weight restriction. I can not pick my daughter up and am still supposed to "take it easy".
I plan to get this blog back up and running. I have a review I am working on getting published and so much more. I have learned so much that I can't wait to share. I know it will help all of you too... can you say sea salt? how about hormones?
Bet ya can't wait!!! Well, you are going to have to.
Happy day.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Boston Bound
Baby Stellan and his Mama are bound for Boston. Please pray for:

*safe flight, transition
*doctor's wisdom
*Stellan to do well when they start weaning him
*strength, patience, rest, clarity for MckMama and her family...this is obviously an extremely trying time, and without the Lord, they might even be tempted despair...they will not.Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
I know that my Redeemer lives!
He lives, to bless me with His love;
He lives, and grants me daily breath;
He lives! All glory to His name!
What joy this blest assurance gives!
He lives to plead for me above;
He lives, and I shall conquer death,
He lives! My Sav ior, still the same;
He lives, He lives, who once was dead;
He lives, my hungry soul to feed;
He lives, my future to prepare
What joy this blest assurance gives:
He lives, my everlasting Head.
He lives, to help in time of need.
He lives, to bring me safely there.
"I know that my Redeemer lives!"
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
weight restriction~shmate restriction
(in my mind) yeah, but I can just move this little 15 lb baby to her seat... she shouldn't be too heavy...
(my body SCREAMING) YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT!!! (Jeremy re enforcing) "YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT, I will move her, just say so."
So that is what I did all day today. Lay on the couch, sit up on a chair, ice my back, hold sweet extra, care for her on my lap, when I needed her moved I just asked. What an awesome man. I will not lift anything more than a katsup bottle until I am told I can again. I would not like to get yelled at again.
As I sit on the edge of a hard chair (chiro order) the pain in my hip and back are awful so I thought I would listen to the music on my blog and write a quick note.
I used to worry that Jeremy would not be able to handle our household if anything ever happened to me. Well, he has proven me wrong. He is amazing. My house is immaculate. The children's rooms, clean. The laundry, done AND put away. The kitchen, everything done. The kids to their school and activities, ON TIME. The children that stay at home and our sweet extra, taken care of. Me, taken care of. It makes me feel so great knowing that he loves me so much. As my sister told me last night, "Anna you are a lucky woman to have such and amazing husband". I don't believe in luck, but it sounds really great doesn't it. I never thought that being laid off would be thought of as a good thing. But, God knows what needs to happen. I am the reason that he is laid off right now... honestly I can not run the house in the state that I am in. I am no longer vomiting or shaking but I am still extremely sore (even my clothes hurt to touch my back). Enough about me, I will make it!
If you have not checked on Stellan, there are some new posts. He still really needs our prayers.
I just want to add that although I have this awful "injury" I will be okay through some proper care (nope, no pain meds :( just lots of water) and being careful to get better. I will be okay. I have a family and enough friends that I will be non the worse for ware. I appreciate your prayers. I am truly blessed beyond measure.
(my body SCREAMING) YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT!!! (Jeremy re enforcing) "YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT, I will move her, just say so."
So that is what I did all day today. Lay on the couch, sit up on a chair, ice my back, hold sweet extra, care for her on my lap, when I needed her moved I just asked. What an awesome man. I will not lift anything more than a katsup bottle until I am told I can again. I would not like to get yelled at again.
As I sit on the edge of a hard chair (chiro order) the pain in my hip and back are awful so I thought I would listen to the music on my blog and write a quick note.
I used to worry that Jeremy would not be able to handle our household if anything ever happened to me. Well, he has proven me wrong. He is amazing. My house is immaculate. The children's rooms, clean. The laundry, done AND put away. The kitchen, everything done. The kids to their school and activities, ON TIME. The children that stay at home and our sweet extra, taken care of. Me, taken care of. It makes me feel so great knowing that he loves me so much. As my sister told me last night, "Anna you are a lucky woman to have such and amazing husband". I don't believe in luck, but it sounds really great doesn't it. I never thought that being laid off would be thought of as a good thing. But, God knows what needs to happen. I am the reason that he is laid off right now... honestly I can not run the house in the state that I am in. I am no longer vomiting or shaking but I am still extremely sore (even my clothes hurt to touch my back). Enough about me, I will make it!
If you have not checked on Stellan, there are some new posts. He still really needs our prayers.
I just want to add that although I have this awful "injury" I will be okay through some proper care (nope, no pain meds :( just lots of water) and being careful to get better. I will be okay. I have a family and enough friends that I will be non the worse for ware. I appreciate your prayers. I am truly blessed beyond measure.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Bloggy break!
Hello to you all. We pray this finds you well, or at least better than I am. I have two bulging disks in my lower back so I am officially out of commission. Fortunately I have an amazing husband who just happens to laid off and a competent chiropractor so I hope to be back soon. If you get a minute please say a prayer, Jeremy could use me back ASAP.
Happy day,
Happy day,
Monday, March 30, 2009
Not ME MONDAY is usually hosted by MckMama but because she is with Stellan (praying for you my dear) we have all teamed up and are doing it STELLAN STYLE TODAY! Emily is hosting so click here to stop on by and check out everyone else's
I have not had the same post up Praying for Stellan for over a week and just keep on changing what it says. Nope, not me.
I have not checked almost every hour for a tweet or a post over at MckMama's blog for an update on Stellan. Nope, not me.
I did not click over to her friend (my bloggy friend) Carrie's blog in an attempt to find more information one Stellan's condition. Nope, not me. (Carrie is MckMama's in-real-life friend and she is helping her and her family during this time. THANK YOU!)
While over at Carrie's site I did not fine her tweet about Sage's family and completely loose it. Nope not me.
That is all. I continue to pray for Stellan.
Happy day.
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